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  The Saffron Fairy is the eldest, and has taught all the Fairies that Saffron is the ancient mother flower of medicine. It’s the most important ingredient in the magical recipe because the Saffron Flower is a mood healer and aphrodisiac. It helps the memory and keeps the human body fighting the viruses.
The Saffro-Disiac Fairy is the goddess among the Fairies. Her scent is made of love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation. A few drops of her magic potion makes every meal, dessert or drink an adventure.
The Saff-Stachios Fairy is the princess among the Fairies. Her pistachios bathe in Saffron Flowers and lime. She tells each of her beautiful saff-stachios how important they are for the human body and skin. They protect the skin from sun damage and premature aging, and their superpower Lutein is an antioxidant that supports eye health.

MA-HA VIRTUE is a family-inspired food & beverage company whose portfolio showcases a
collection of unique and healthy products from around the world including clean juices,
functional support beverages, and gourmet foods. Created as an exclusive lifestyle shopping
experience, MA-HA VIRTUE is centered on the spirit of magical fairies sharing special bounty
and spreading love to everyone. Manifested by love and life, the company especially celebrates
modern motherhood and children and supports charitable initiatives of humanity across the